
Showing posts from September, 2018

Bojack Horseman Season 4 episode 11 (Time’s Arrow) Review

This is easily the best episode of Bojack Horseman so far. We find that Beatrice’s schizophrenic illness was the reason she calls Bojack “Henrietta” and calls a doll her baby (in “Stupid piece of S**t”). She experiences figments from her past and the episode makes us dive deep into those figments and through those figments, it lets us understand the cause of Beatrice’s cynicism and neglect towards her son, the rift between her and Bojack. Beatrice is the unknowing narrator of the episode and its protagonist. We see the complete arc from a sweet curious kid who loved her doll as her baby to a mother that loathes her child. We had already seen glimpses of Beatrice’s family as a happy and wealthy family that is the owner of the Sugarman Sugercube fortune. Here, we delve into the darkness in the family. Her father, Joseph Sugarman, despite his cheery demeanor, had a weak conscience, almost to the point of sociopathy. He was extremely misogynistic and chided her mother, Honey